we are in the first year of quarantine!

This exclamatory sentence seems worrying, isn't it ? In an interview with Belgian virologist Guido Vanham, he clarifies how viral pandemics spread globally.  He said, in times, when vaccines are not yet found on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is hard to guess when will the pandemic is likely to come to conclusion. As I write this article, about 24 lac population globally has suffered the infection, with 1.25 lac deaths worldwide. India, as it stands, is at approx. 20 thousand cases and 630 deaths. Emerging conditions has posed challenges all over the world. Unemployment has reached the peak in many countries. People are willing to do even overqualified jobs for a meager income to run the family. Millions of labor force has to stay home because the manufacturing industries has come to a stand still. 'Essential workers' are the only manpower now functional to eliminate the pandemic. Given the situation, and being a Game of thrones fan, I remember a famous dialogue by Lord Baelish ( played by Aiden Gillen) that, "Chaos is a ladder".

The situations can go worse if we are late to bring up a solution. The economy cannot buffer much losses if it not acted upon. But, it is in this time, that you remember, that "Need is the mother of Discovery".

At the beginning of the pandemic it was said that their would be a scarcity of ventilators in the world, given the trends of people requiring ventilators which was about 0.5 to 1 % of the population infected with CoVID-19. In fact it did even with the most rigorous efforts of the manufacturing industries. But it is also true that, we have seen a boost in new companies, startups, industries, coming up with their very own ventilators. Answering to the call of need, engineers from the farthest corners of India are coming up with new solutions for ventilators, sanitizing cabins, no touch hand-washes, PPE suits, shields et cetera.

Some fields have faced direct profits from the pandemic. For example, the video conferencing apps such as Zoom app, Google Duo have boomed their services for the emerging need of  time. With the work getting done at home, that seems a potential for companies to save their revenue on work spaces and electricity. Can this be the new IT sector job with no offices ever?

 Delivery of household goods and even ready made food are seen must to maintain Home Quarantine. With the 'NEED' here comes the time efficient delivery solutions  at your doorstep. Internet usage has increased tremendously in recent years. With 40% of population penetration, India stands 2nd in internet users in  Asia and Asia stands at topmost position for internet users according to recent data of January 2020. Needless to say the usage has exceeded than regulars in the first quarter of 2020 itself. A big boost coming to webcam and telecommunication industry for keeping the world in touch.

Banking and e- commerce is the beating heart we dare not stop. The mode of online banking has never been much helpful than now. With stocks crashing globally and economic researches comparing it to the next depression after 1929, it is equally true that the bounce back of such economies have been good. Mobile banking usage also runs the scares of internet frauds. One should be equally cautious even if you are doing it the hundredth time.

Not all sectors are recovering, some industries are still facing the brunt of pandemic. The most affected ones are Travel and Tourism. With travel sanctions not relaxed, millions of workers depended directly and indirectly are affected. Hotel industry is not an exception. Airlines are laying down their staff or is either cutting their salaries more than half. In Film and entertainment industry, the worst times are seen by those working behind the screen and those who are struggling to find a place.

The motive of this articles is to make a point which is " Life finds a way". No matter how harsh the conditions are, humans find a way of leaving. With improvements in some countries, has seen the life normalizing. Its the matter of few months (hopefully) until we are back to our routines and away from home. It would definitely need something stronger than a virus, to rap-up humanity from the face of the Earth. As, Charles Darwin said, " Not the wisest ,not the strongest, not the smallest, not the largest but the species which is able to adapt will survive longer".
Stay Home. Stay Safe.

©️ Dr. Neil D Pawar



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